Disappearing into the Beauty of Asymmetry
Disappearing into the Beauty of Asymmetry
Perpetually wet-paint. That’s how I’m coming to see pixels.
Like the atoms of liquid are always free to go where I send them.
“A liquid can flow and does not have a specific shape like a solid. Instead, a liquid conforms to the shape of the container in which it is held.”
My Self is that container.
Why I send them in any particular direction, by hand, with a stylus on a screen is anyone’s guess.
I am, however going to go with this particular approach - for a while, for the rest of my life, who knows?
This is how I’m going to create digital abstracts, one flowing into the next.
A visual blog that illustrates what my unconscious is trying to suggest.
Symbolic of the accretion of knowledge that one accumulates during a period of ‘living’ and the transience of everyone and everything, changing whilst staying the same.
Symbolic in the sense of me thinking as though I had nothing to do with the mundane and instead were desperate for transcendence. The fool.